I drew this because I saw a drawing that a dear friend, who can draw beautifully, made of a soft boiled egg, and I couldn't stop thinking about soft boiled eggs. It embarrasses me that this is my response to her gorgeous work, but I post it just the same. All of the strange positioning and awkward body parts and messed up hands and unconvincing spaces disappointed me when I was done working on it. But I wanted to work fast to capture my passing fancy about how much I love making soft boiled eggs, and so I didn't take much care. When I was finished, I wanted to throw it away, or at least hide it away. But I looked at it again 5 days later (today), and amidst the strange fingers and lumpy ellipses, I can feel and remember my soft boiled egg joy --- and that was the original point of the drawing, so.... success? I must remind myself that my "bad drawings" feel that way often because they reveal something I wish to keep hidden. But revealing things is one of the major jobs that a drawing has. Sometimes ya gotta just let your hair down and share stuff that makes you feel uneasy. This has been a very, very difficult thing for me to learn.