Thursday, January 16, 2025

RIP David Lynch 1946-2025


In November and December I watched Twin Peaks season 3: The Return along with the Blank Check podcast's retrospective coverage of Lynch's oeuvre. I couldn't stop thinking about it. His work lodges itself in the mental landscape of anyone who seriously engages with it. Goodbye, DL.

Monday, January 13, 2025

favorite food

 I drew this because I saw a drawing that a dear friend, who can draw beautifully, made of a soft boiled egg, and I couldn't stop thinking about soft boiled eggs. It embarrasses me that this is my response to her gorgeous work, but I post it just the same. All of the strange positioning and awkward body parts and messed up hands and unconvincing spaces disappointed me when I was done working on it. But I wanted to work fast to capture my passing fancy about how much I love making soft boiled eggs, and so I didn't take much care. When I was finished, I wanted to throw it away, or at least hide it away. But I looked at it again 5 days later (today), and amidst the strange fingers and lumpy ellipses, I can feel and remember my soft boiled egg joy --- and that was the original point of the drawing, so.... success? I must remind myself that my "bad drawings" feel that way often because they reveal something I wish to keep hidden. But revealing things is one of the major jobs that a drawing has. Sometimes ya gotta just let your hair down and share stuff that makes you feel uneasy. This has been a very, very difficult thing for me to learn.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


 That feeling that you are at the center of the world, where it's all happening.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

New Year's Resolutions


I like to draw in my car, which is why I keep gas receipts when they are an option. Gas station receipts tend to be narrower than store receipts and the paper is a little bit more absorbent and bleedy, which I enjoy. Sometimes I pencil on receipts when I can't figure out something in my head, like the relationship to a bent arm and a face looking at a wristwatch--- only reversed from the way I drew it a few days ago. A mindbender my mind couldn't unbend without the help of pencil! So ink only--- it's not a rule never to be broken, I've just found that I like the drawings better if I do them only in ink. The connections between imagination, brain, hand, pen and paper seem stronger without that tricky little eraser hanging out there on the periphery, offering me its services. In this new year I want to try some new things. I want to start a drink and draw group, and I want to teach a class about keeping sketchbooks. wish me luck!